Kandinsky watercolours volume i [solde] [solde] [solde]

Ouvrage collectif
Kandinsky's temperas, gouaches and watercolours from the Munich years and the Russian period are definitively catalogued and discussed in chronological order (including those known only from documentary evidence). Many previously unknown pictures are published for the first time. The artist's earlier works, his bold abstractations from 1911 to 1914, and his little-known watercolours painted in Russia from 1915 to 1921 are fully documented and illustrated.Vivian Barnett also provides complete provenance, exhibition history and reference for more than 500 watercolours and gouaches, plus an addendum to the Catalogue of Oil Paintings (1982, 1984). The original essays, complete list of exhibitions, selective biography and extensive colour illustrations make this volume essential for collectors and scholars.
In stock
EAN 9780856674051
Date de parution 07/2012
Where to find us?
17 bis Rue Pavée
75004 Paris

Horaires  : 7j /7 de 11 h à 19h30 (19h pour le café)

Jours de fermeture : 25/12 et 01/01


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