
moore, alan
A wonderful collection, brilliant and often moving ... Both mind-expanding and cosmic while utterly rooted in our urban reality'' NEIL GAIMAN ''One of the great fiction minds of his generation'' ROLLING STONE In his first-ever short story collection, which spans forty years of work and features many never-before-published pieces, international bestselling author and legendary creator of From Hell, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and other modern classics, Alan Moore, presents nine stories full of wonder and strangeness, each taking us deeper into the fantastical underside of reality.In A Hypothetical Lizard, two concubines in a brothel for fantastical specialists fall in love, with tragic ramifications. In Not Even Legend, a paranormal study group is infiltrated by one of the otherworldly beings they seek to investigate. In Illuminations, a nostalgic older man decides to visit a seaside resort from his youth and finds the past all too close at hand. And in the monumental novella What We Can Know About Thunderman, which charts the surreal and Kafkaesque history of the comics industry over the last seventy-five years through several sometimes-naive and sometimes-maniacal people rising and falling on its career ladders, Moore reveals the dark, beating heart of the superhero businessFrom ghosts and otherworldly creatures to theoretical Boltzmann brains fashioning the universe at the big bang, Illuminations is exactly that - a series of bright, startling tales from a contemporary legend that reveal the full power of imagination and magic''One of the most significant fiction writers in English ... Moore''s influence can be felt everywhere-in our literature, on our screens, in our politics'' GUARDIAN
In stock
EAN 9781526643179
Collection 232 poche
Date de parution 06/09/2023
Format 27 mm x 197 mm x 127 mm
Presentation Nr
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17 bis Rue Pavée
75004 Paris

Horaires  : 7j /7 de 11 h à 19h30 (19h pour le café)

Jours de fermeture : 25/12 et 01/01


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