
Secret paris

Thomas jonglez
For those who thought they knew Paris well, the city is still teeming with unusual and secret places that are easily accessible.Winemaking firefighters, a tree in a church, an inverted phallus at a well-known entrance, an atomic bomb shelter under Gare de l'Est, unsuspected traces of former brothels, a patron saint of motorists, royal monograms hidden in the Louvre courtyard, the presentation of Christ's crown of thorns, a prehistoric merry-go-round, a sundial designed by Dali, war-wounded palm trees, bullet holes at the ministry, religious plants in a priest's garden, a mysterious monument to Freemasonry at the Champ-de-Mars, a solid gold sphere in parliament, a Chinese temple in a parking lot, the effect of the Bièvre river on Parisian geography, a blockhouse in the Bois de Boulogne ...
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9782361957650
Date de parution 06/06/2024
Format 22 mm x 192 mm x 107 mm
Nombre de pages 381
Presentation Broché
19,95 €
Where to find us?
17 bis Rue Pavée
75004 Paris

Horaires  : 7j /7 de 11 h à 19h30 (19h pour le café)

Jours de fermeture : 25/12 et 01/01


01 43 70 34 74

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