
Learned by heart

donoghue, emma
Adding to the already moving, richly told and gripping collection of historical fiction from Emma Donoghue, Learned By Heart is the breathtaking story of two young girls on the margins of life, forging a connection that will last a lifetime.In 1805, at boarding school in York, two fourteen-year-olds meet - an orphan heiress, sent from India to England at six, and a gifted troublemaker. Anne Lister would go on to be a gifted diarist, famous the world over. But in the early nineteenth century she met Eliza Raine, someone who would change her life for everEvocative, captivating and wholly unique, Learned By Heart is the dazzling new novel from acclaimed and bestselling author Emma Donoghue.
EAN 9781035017775
Date de parution 12/08/2023
Format 25 mm x 234 mm x 152 mm
Presentation Nr
21,43 €
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75004 Paris
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