
Life does not frighten me

angelou, maya/ basqu
Shadows on the wall Noises down the hall Life doesn''t frighten me at all Maya Angelou''s brave, defiant poem celebrates the courage within each of us, young and old. From the scary thought of panthers in the park to the unsettling scene of a new classroom, fearsome images are summoned and dispelled by the power of faith in ourselves. Angelou''s strong words are matched by the daring vision of artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, whose childlike style reveals the powerful emotions and fanciful imaginings of childhood. Together, Angelou''s words and Basquiat''s paintings create a place where every child, indeed every person, may experience his or her own fearlessness. Celebrating its successful 25 years in print, this brilliant introduction to poetry and contemporary art features brief, updated biographies of Angelou and Basquiat, an afterword from the editor, and a fresh new look. A selected bibliography of Angelou''s books and a selected museum listing of Basquiat''s works open the door to further inspiration through the fine arts. Shadows on the wall Noises down the hall Life doesn''t frighten me at all Maya Angelou''s brave, defiant poem celebrates the courage within each of us, young and old. From the scary thought of panthers in the park to the unsettling scene of a new classroom, fearsome images are summoned and dispelled by the power of faith in ourselves. Angelou''s strong words are matched by the daring vision of artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, whose childlike style reveals the powerful emotions and fanciful imaginings of childhood. Together, Angelou''s words and Basquiat''s paintings create a place where every child, indeed every person, may experience his or her own fearlessness. In this brilliant introduction to poetry and contemporary art, brief biographies of Angelou and Basquiat accompany the text and artwork, focusing on the strengths they took from their lives and brought to their work. A selected bibliography of Angelou''s books and a selected museum listing of Basquiat''s/b>, works open the door to further inspiration through the fine arts.
EAN 9781419727481
Date de parution 09/01/2018
Format 11 mm x 276 mm x 225 mm
Nombre de pages 40
Presentation Nr
22,85 €
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75004 Paris
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