
Love and friendship

austen, jane
These inventive and entertaining pieces display the early sparkles of wit and imagination of Jane Austen''s mature fiction. Written when she was only in her teens, they are by turns amusing, acerbic and occasionally downright silly.''Love and Friendship'' and ''Lesley Castle'' provide parodies of the gentry and the fashionable idea of sensibility of the time. ''A History of England'' supplies us with a lively chronicle of English monarchic history. Also included in this collection are ''The Three Sisters'', ''Catharine'', the series of vignettes known as ''A Collection of Letters'' and ''Lady Susan'', an epistolary story which was recently adapted for the cinema. Taken together, these pieces display all the wry humour, shrewd observation and satirical insight of Emma or Pride and Prejudice.>
EAN 9781847496331
Date de parution 26/01/2017
Format 21 mm x 198 mm x 128 mm
Presentation Nr
12,90 €
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75004 Paris
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