
Surfer magazine 1960-2020 /anglais

ellis grant
Founded in 1960 by surfer, artist, and filmmaker John Severson, Surfer was the longest continuously published surf magazine, referred to as the bible of the sport. Surfer was firmly established as the sport s leading voice, serving as a template for a small but growing number of surf magazines around the world. Featuring a mix of travel articles, contest reporting, surf spot profiles, big wave pictorials, and surfer interviews, Surfer worked with the world s best photographers, writers, and graphic designers. This voluminous anthology features the most time-less, inspirational, and historically significant covers and interior pages from the magazine s extensive archive and depicts the chronological progression of the sport, the gear, the style, and the world s top surfers throughout the decades, from Mickey Dora to Kelly Slater and Laird Hamilton. This is the perfect book for those who surf or spend time in the ocean and for anyone interested in a historical reference guide to modern day surfing and its highly influential style and subculture.
Manquant sans date
EAN 9780847871490
Date de parution 05/07/2022
Format 0 x 305 mm x 229 mm
Presentation Relié
60,00 €
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17 bis Rue Pavée
75004 Paris
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Horaires  : 7j /7 de 11 h à 19h30 (19h pour le café)

Jours de fermeture : 25/12 et 01/01

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