
The dreams of bethany mellmoth

boyd, william
A philandering art dealer tries to give up casual love affairs - seeking only passionate kisses as a substitute. A man recounts his personal history through the things he has stolen from others throughout his life. A couple chart the journey of their five year relationship backwards, from awkward reunion to lovelorn first encounter. And, at the heart of the book, a 24-year old young woman, Bethany Mellmoth, embarks on a year-long journey of wishful and tentative self-discovery. The Dreams of Bethany Mellmoth depicts the random encounters that bring the past bubbling to the surface - the impulsive decisions that irrevocably shape a life - and the endless hesitations and loss-of-nerve that wickedly complicate it. These funny, surprising and moving stories are a resounding confirmation of Boyd's powers as one of our most original and compelling storytellers.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780241979761
Collection 181 poche
Date de parution 16/06/2018
Format 17 mm x 198 mm x 129 mm
Presentation Nr
15,40 €
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17 bis Rue Pavée
75004 Paris
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