
The fifth child (paladin books)

lessing, doris
This novel tells the story of two people who want the same things - fidelity, love, family life and a stable home. They are out of line with the fashions of the 60s, but life seems to smile on them until Harriet's fifth pregnancy, when everything starts to go wrong...
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780586089033
Date de parution 01/09/1989
Format 8 mm x 198 mm x 131 mm
Presentation Nr
14,78 €
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17 bis Rue Pavée
75004 Paris
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Horaires  : 7j /7 de 11 h à 19h30 (19h pour le café)

Jours de fermeture : 25/12 et 01/01

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