The librarianist

dewitt, patrick
From bestselling and award-winning author Patrick deWitt comes a novel about an ordinary man who thought life''s surprises were behind him - until a chance encounter changes everything Bob Comet is a retired librarian passing his solitary days surrounded by books in a mint-colored house in Portland, Oregon. One morning on his daily walk he encounters a confused elderly woman lost in a market and returns her to the senior center that is her home. Hoping to fill the void he''s known since retiring, he begins volunteering at the center. Here, as a community of strange peers gathers around Bob, and following a happenstance brush with a painful complication from his past, the events of his life and the details of his character are revealed. Behind Bob Comet''s straight man facade is the story of an unhappy child''s runaway adventure during the last days of the Second World War, of true love won and stolen away, of the purpose and pride found in the librarian''s vocation, and the pleasures of a life lived to the side of the masses. Comet''s experiences are imbued with melancholy but also a bright, sustained comedy
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9781526646934
Date de parution 24/06/2023
Format 27 mm x 233 mm x 152 mm
Presentation Nr
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75004 Paris
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