
The measure

erlick, nikki
Your fate arrives in a box on your doorstep. Do you open it? It seems like just another morning.You make a cup of tea. Check the news. Open the front door.On your doorstep is a box.Inside the box is the exact number of years you have left to live.The same box appears on every doorstep across the world.Do you open yours?THE MEASURE IT''S THE DECISION OF A LIFETIME.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780008491529
Collection 222 grand
Date de parution 06/07/2022
Format 27 mm x 234 mm x 153 mm
Presentation Nr
18,77 €
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17 bis Rue Pavée
75004 Paris
Horaires d'ouverture

Horaires  : 7j /7 de 11 h à 19h30 (19h pour le café)

Jours de fermeture : 25/12 et 01/01

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01 43 70 34 74

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