
Vintage jewellery /anglais

cox caroline
Foreword by Gerda Floeckinger.Vintage Jewellery recounts 120 years of history, including Lalique's Art Nouveau enamelling at the turn of the twentieth century, Cartier's gemstones, Christian Dior's mid-century costume pieces and Harry Winston's diamondsAccompanied by archive images, fashion photography and specially commissioned photographs of period pieces, the most collectible and beautiful bracelets, necklaces, rings and brooches are showcased, including Elizabeth Taylor's peregrina pearl and Wallis Simpson's Cartier panther bracelet. The book explores the key designers and jewellery houses, technical developments and cultural influences that shaped jewellery design and shows you how to collect and wear vintage pieces.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9781802790962
Date de parution 12/05/2022
Format 20 mm x 245 mm x 195 mm
Presentation Nr
27,70 €
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75004 Paris
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